當期課號 |
2468 |
Course Number |
2468 |
授課教師 |
張方 |
Instructor |
Chang,Ching Fang |
中文課名 |
蒙特梭利文化教育理論與實務 |
Course Name |
Theory and Practice in Multicultural Educational in Montessori |
開課單位 |
幼兒保育系(四日)三A |
Department |
修習別 |
選修 |
Required/Elective |
Elective |
學分數 |
2 |
Credits |
2 |
課程目標 |
本課程開啟幼兒對周遭環境及人、事、物學習之樂趣,並從中建構自我概念和對環境的適應力,更從活動中培養對宇宙萬物的敬、愛之情操和寬廣的宇宙觀。內容包括:3-6歲天文教育、3-6歲動物學教育、3-6歲植物教育。 |
Objectives |
The course develops young children’s interests towards people, issues, and objects in the environment, and helps them construct self-concepts and adjust to environment. Through participation in activities, students will learn to respect and love the universe and have a broad world views. The content includes: Astronomy, zoology, and botany education for children aged 3-6. |
教材 |
(1)專題演說 (2)教具展示 (3)小組討論與報告 |
Teaching Materials |
Lecture Presentation Discussion and report |
成績評量方式 |
平時成績:10%(出席率及學習態度) 期中:35%(教具製作) 期末:45%(期末分組報告) 作業編寫:10% |
Grading |
1. Participation (10%) 2. Culture material making(35%) 3. Group work (45%) 4. Personal profolio(10%) |
教師網頁 |
教學內容 |
培養孩子對藝術文化的欣賞能力,尊重並認識所生活的環境,瞭解宇宙的奧秘及世界之浩瀚,進而擁有豁達的世界觀及旺盛的好奇心,去探索取之不盡的知識寶庫! 3-6歲植物學教育 3-6歲動物學教育 |
Syllabus |
Learning aboutthe nature world is a centre component in Montessori. Botney for the Montessori Preschool Program Zoology for the Montessori Preschool Program |