朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Administration in Child Care Organization 教保行政

當期課號 2460 Course Number 2460
授課教師 楊敏鈴 Instructor YANG,MING LING
中文課名 教保行政 Course Name Administration in Child Care Organization
開課單位 幼兒保育系(四日)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程在瞭解幼教機構行政管理之重要因素,探討與家長互動、溝通技巧、人事管理、行政管理、政府資源的應用以及相關的電腦資訊與軟體的應用等內容,以養成學生教保行政管理能力,培育幼教機構管理人才。 Objectives The course will introduce students important factors related to the administration and organization of child care services, such as interaction with parents, communication skills, personnel management, administration, use of government resources, and use of computer information and software. It develops students’ abilities in administration and organization of child care services and helps them become promising administrators.
教材 黃秋玉等合著(2008)。幼托機構經營管理理論與實務。台中市: 華格那。
高義展(2003)。學前教育機構行政管理與實務。台北縣: 啟英文化。
李文正、張幼珠譯(1999)。成功的托教行政管理-園所領導之鑰。 台北: 光佑。
Teaching Materials 黃秋玉等合著(2008)。Child Day Care Management: Theory and Practice. 台中市: 華格那。
成績評量方式 * 期中作業 30%
* 期末考 30%
* 期刊作業、上課參與/出席、其他等 40%
Grading classroom attendance,participation,homeworks, 40%; Midterm 30% Final 30%
教學內容 教保行政攸關幼兒教保品質,當前幼托機構在法令與主管機關雙軌體制下,有待整合,本課程在探討托育機構教保行政之理念,並配合實務工作體驗,暸解幼稚園與托兒所行政運作方式,規劃機構各項行政制度,執行行政管理與評估,以建立學生具備教保行政管理能力,培育幼托機構主管人才。 Syllabus The main purpose of this course is to study the concept of administration in child care organizations. Students can understand administration system design, execution and evaluation by practical work. It helps students gaining abilities of management in day care organization.