當期課號 |
2440 |
Course Number |
2440 |
授課教師 |
吳鷰儀 |
Instructor |
中文課名 |
幼兒戲劇(一) |
Course Name |
Creative Drama for Young Children(I) |
開課單位 |
幼兒保育系(四日)二A |
Department |
修習別 |
選修 |
Required/Elective |
Elective |
學分數 |
2 |
Credits |
2 |
課程目標 |
本課程的目標包括︰ 1.使學生具體認識幼兒戲劇。 2.具備幼兒戲劇活動課程設計之能力。 3.運用幼兒戲劇開放的基本理念經營班級。 4.將幼兒戲劇理論與實務融合,運用於日後教學,並具自我檢討與修正課程之能力。 |
Objectives |
The objectives of the courses are: 1. To have an overview of drama for young children. 2. To posses the abilities to design creative drama activities for young children. 3. To apply concepts and theories of creative drama for young children in classroom management. 4. To merge the theories and practices of creative drama for young children, to apply them into teaching, and also to posses the abilities of self-contemplation and modification of lesson plans of creative drama. |
教材 |
1.誰說沒有人用筷子喝湯,楊茂秀著,遠流出版 2.維薇安.嘉辛.裴利作;楊茂秀翻譯。(2002)陶靈老師的教室-一所幼兒園的故事。台北:毛毛蟲基金會。 |
Teaching Materials |
McCaslin N(1997)Creative Drama in the Primary Grades.CA:Players Press Inc. |
成績評量方式 |
1.課堂評論與參與20% 2.書面報告20% 3.考試30% 4.試教30% 5.遲到:鐘響後比授課教師更晚抵達教室,算遲到,遲到2次算一次缺席,缺席3次(包含公、病、事、喪、孕、婚假等)學期成績60分以下。 |
Grading |
1.Participance and sharing20% 2.Term Paper20% 3.Term Exam 30% 4.Oral Presentation 30% |
教師網頁 |
教學內容 |
1.劇場與戲劇 2.幼兒戲劇起源與種類 3.幼兒創造性戲劇肢體遊戲 4.戲劇遊戲課程設計 |
Syllabus |
1.Theatre and drama 2.Children theatre and drama 3.Creative Physical movement and game for yound children 4.devising and designing proper drama lesson plans for young children |