當期課號 |
2422 |
Course Number |
2422 |
授課教師 |
李宜娟 |
Instructor |
中文課名 |
幼兒生活美語 |
Course Name |
Daily English for Young Children |
開課單位 |
幼兒保育系(四日)一B |
Department |
修習別 |
選修 |
Required/Elective |
Elective |
學分數 |
2 |
Credits |
2 |
課程目標 |
本課程的目標包括︰ 1. 使學生瞭解幼保人員在幼兒英語學習活動中所扮演的角色。 2. 使學生瞭解幼保人員如何以維護幼兒身心為前提,將英語融入在日常生活中。 3. 使學生具備見字發音之能力。 4. 使學生具備幼兒園日常生活基礎會話溝通之能力。 5. 讓學生習得與幼教主題及日常生活相關的幼兒英語韻文及歌曲。 |
Objectives |
The objectives of the course are: 1. To understand the role of preschool teachers for involving young children in English learning activities. 2. To understand how preschool teachers integrate English in daily lives on the basis of child development. 3. To improve students' English pronunciation ability. 4. To improve students' daily conversation ability. 5. To learn about English chants and songs for young children. |
教材 |
李宜娟(2005)幼兒園英語教學 自編講義 |
Teaching Materials |
Yi-chuan Lee (2005) Teaching Young Children English in Kindergarten. |
成績評量方式 |
出席率及課堂參與情形......10% 隨堂測驗....30% (自然發音) 期中考......30% (幼兒園生活美語) 期末考......30% (幼兒英語歌舞劇表現活動) |
Grading |
1. Participation...10% 2. Quizs....30% 3. midterm....30% 4. final presentation...30% |
教師網頁 |
教學內容 |
課程內容: 1.幼兒園美語教學之型態、迷思解讀及幼教師在幼兒園中所扮演的角色及實務作法 2.自然發音法(字母拼讀法) 3.實用幼兒園所生活美語 (打招呼、在教室裡、在體能活動場、午餐時間、午睡時間、衛生美語、心情美語...等) 4.幼兒美語韻文、歌曲 5.美國文化小故事 |
Syllabus |
the course is designed for helping students to: 1.understand the roles of early childhood teachers for helping young children's English learning. 2.understand how they can integrate English in the daily lives. 3.enhance students' English pronuouciation ability. 4.enhance students' daily converstaion ability |