朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Practical English Writing 實用英文寫作

當期課號 2372 Course Number 2372
授課教師 謝佳勳 Instructor HSIEH,CHIA HSUN
中文課名 實用英文寫作 Course Name Practical English Writing
開課單位 應用外語系(四日)二B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程將以著重(一)書寫清楚;(二)整合主題;(三)書寫一般1,000 – 1,500 字之短報告及書信等; (四)行文流暢 且少有文法錯誤; (五)與日常生活相關主題之概念能清楚且適當自如地表達。 Objectives This course are the following: (1) students will learn how to generate topics (2) students will write cohesive paragraphs (3) students will be able to write the short papers and reports, about 1,000 – 1,500 words. (4) there are fewer grammatical mistakes in the students’ papers (5) students will be able to express their own ideas and viewpoints clearly and appropriately.
教材 同右 Teaching Materials Ready to Write / Karen Blanchard
Pearson Education
成績評量方式 指定作業    40%
課堂參與表現及出席率 20%
期末考試 40%
Grading assignment 40%
class participation
including attendance 20%
finals 40%
教學內容 透過多重互動及主題式的練習來培養學習者寫作的基本技能,由句子而段落且能辨識及運用組織性原則例如主題句、支撐範例及結論句等。 Syllabus The course of study teaches students the basic skills required for effective writing, and helps them become confident and independent writers in Ehglish. Through many interactive activities and individual writing tasks centered on the topics of personal interest, this course provides students with opportunities to progress from writing sentences to guided paragraphs and to use organizational principles like topic sentences, supporting examples and signal words.

Week 1 the key to good writing
Week 2 ditto
Week 3 understanding paragraphs
Week 4 ditto
Week 5 organizing information by time
Week 6 ditto
Week 7 organizing information by order of importance
Week 8 ditto
Week 9 organizing information by space
Week10 ditto
Week11 the writing process
Week12 ditto
Week13 supporting the main idea
Week14 ditto
Week15 writing descriptions
Week16 ditto
Week17 expressing an opinion
Week18 finals