朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
English for Tourism 觀光英文

當期課號 2367 Course Number 2367
授課教師 林琇如 Instructor LIN,HSIU JU
中文課名 觀光英文 Course Name English for Tourism
開課單位 應用外語系(四日)二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 此課程期許在相互分享學習國外實際生活與觀光出遊經驗的同時, 亦能提升學生英語聽(listening)與說(speaking)的口語會話能力. Objectives This course is expecting the participants not only to experience the oversea travel situation, but also understand how to deal with the different foreign life. In the mean time, to enhance the oral conversation ability (speaking & listening) of the students in this class is highly expected.
教材 Oxford English for Careers--Tourism 3 & CD Teaching Materials Oxford English for Careers--Tourism 3 & CD
成績評量方式 考試: 50%, 作業: 30%, 課堂討論: 20% Grading Examinations: 50%, Assignments: 30%,
In-class discussions: 20%
教學內容 除提升學生之會話能力外,本課程亦著重有關觀光英文諸多層面(譬如NTO,要如何規劃旅遊,及世界知名景點等)之知識與常識之分享與探討,每週進度為一章教科書之內容及課外教材。 Syllabus In addition to enhancing learners' oral ability, this course aims at sharing with learners the different aspects (such as the notions of NTO, planning of travelling and worldwide attractions, etc.) of English regarding tourism. Basically each chapter of the textbook will be covered each week.