當期課號 |
2363 |
Course Number |
2363 |
授課教師 |
喬一慶 |
Instructor |
中文課名 |
國際財務金融 |
Course Name |
International Finance and Banking |
開課單位 |
應用外語系(四日)二A |
Department |
修習別 |
選修 |
Required/Elective |
Elective |
學分數 |
2 |
Credits |
2 |
課程目標 |
本課程介紹多項財務及金融商品,試圖建立同學基本之財務金融觀念;尤其是以外資?商或本國?商之國際部於台灣之實際業務運作為實習藍本;另再強化財金英文實力,期使同學能進入國際財務金融商品之領域,尤其在股票市場方面之觀念及操作。 |
Objectives |
We will try to create financial and monetary concepts for the students in the class. Financial products will be our most important topics. We also will bring in the trading drills of international department at Taiwan’s securities house as our guidelines. Moreover, the stock market in Taiwan will be our point in this course. |
教材 |
Financial Institutions, Markets, and Money (金融機構,市場與貨幣) |
Teaching Materials |
Financial Institutions, Markets, and Money: Kidwell etc. from Wiley 2009 10th edition |
成績評量方式 |
期中考: 30% 期末考: 35% 期末書面報告: 15% 出席與參與: 20% |
Grading |
Mid-term: 30% Final: 35% Term Paper: 15% Attendance and Participation: 20% |
教師網頁 |
教學內容 |
美國金融體系的營運、機制與其架構,著重在介紹其機構組織、市場,以及金融工具。 含括美國聯邦儲備系統所主導的貨幣政策。 I. 美國金融體系 (聯準會, 金融市場與機構簡介, 利率) II. 利率政策與控制 III. 金融市場(貨幣,資本及國際市場) IIII. 商銀經營管理與規範 V. 其它金融機構(投資銀行,保險公司與退休金機構,投顧公司等) |
Syllabus |
Part I: The Financial System. Ch 1. An Overview of Financial Markets and Institutions. Ch 2. The Federal Reserve and Its Powers. Ch 3. The Fed and Interest Rates.
Part II: How Interest rates Are Determined. Ch 4. The Level of Interest Rates. Ch 5. Bond Prices and Interest Rate Risk. Ch 6. The Structure of Interest Rates.
Part III: Financial Markets. Ch 7. Money Markets. Ch 8. Bond Markets. Ch 9. Mortgage Markets. Ch 10. Equity Markets. Ch 11. Derivatives Markets. Ch 12. International Markets.
Part IV: Commercial Banking. Ch 13. Commercial Bank Operations. Ch 14. Bank Management and Profitability. Ch 15. International Banking. Ch 16. Regulation of Financial Institutions.
Part V: Financial Institutions. Ch 17. Thrift Institutions and Finance Companies. Ch 18. Insurance Companies and Pension Funds. Ch 19. Investment Banking. Ch 20. Investment Companies. |