當期課號 | 2361 | Course Number | 2361 |
授課教師 | 陳星琳 | Instructor | CHEN,HSING LING |
中文課名 | 資訊軟體應用 | Course Name | Software Application |
開課單位 | 應用外語系(四日)二A | Department | |
修習別 | 選修 | Required/Elective | Elective |
學分數 | 2 | Credits | 2 |
課程目標 | 1.指導製作一份好的簡報內容所需注意的事項(知識) 2.提升數位簡報檔案製作所需電腦操作與設計的技巧(技能) 3.教導學生簡報時相關所需注意之儀態與表達的方式(態度) 4.利用其它相關軟體工具的配合以加快精美簡報製作的流程與協助考取TQC PowerPoint 2003-實用級證照(其他) |
Objectives | 1.Directing students to notice the details about making a fine Powerpoint. 2.Promoting students to learn computer control and design skill in the digital Powerpoint. 3.Teaching students to pay attention on deportment and the expression when they present the Powerpoint. 4. Using software tools to design fine homepage quickly, and help students to pass TQC PowerPoint 2003- practical certification. |
教材 | 團法人中華民國電腦技能基金會,PowerPoint 2003實力養成暨評量,碁峰資訊,2008。 | Teaching Materials | 團法人中華民國電腦技能基金會,PowerPoint 2003實力養成暨評量,碁峰資訊,2008。 |
成績評量方式 | | Grading | |
教師網頁 | | ||
教學內容 | PartⅠ 基礎篇 (1-3) 基本電腦操作 基本PowerPoint操作練習 PartⅡ Building the Presentation (4-5) 建構一份新的簡報檔 整合其它資料來源 PartⅢ Improving the visual impact (6-9) 加入聲音效果、音樂與影片 加入基礎與進階動畫 PartⅣ Teach test-answering skills (10-14) 教導TQC PowerPoint 2003 (實用級) 解題技巧 期中考 (15) PartⅣ Final report (16-18) 期末報告 |
Syllabus | PartⅠ The Basics (1-3) Basic computer operations Basic PowerPoint navigation practice PartⅡ Building the Presentation (4-5) Starting a new presentation Incorporating data from other sources PartⅢ Improving the visual impact (6-9) Adding sound effects, music, videos Adding basic animator and advance animator PartⅣ Teach test-answering skills (10-14) TQC PowerPoint 2003 (practical certification) Midterm exam (15) PartⅣ Final report (16-18) |