朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Language Ability 語言能力檢定

當期課號 2356 Course Number 2356
授課教師 林進瑛 Instructor LIN,CHIN YING
中文課名 語言能力檢定 Course Name Language Ability
開課單位 應用外語系(四日)二A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 0 Credits 0
課程目標 本課程目的為提昇學生全面性的英文能力,學生必須通過多益.全民英檢.或托福等証照考試,方能畢業. Objectives This course aims to promote students’ overall English proficiency. Students have to pass some English tests, such as TOEIC, GEPT, or TOFEL before they could graduate from Chaoyang University of Technology.
教材 1).多益考古題.
2). 全民英撿考古題.
Teaching Materials 1). TOEIC TESTS.
2). GEPT Tests.
成績評量方式 凡九十六學年度入學同學通過以下標準之一: 全民英檢中高級初試、多益七百分以上、或托福紙筆測驗五百三十分以上,即代表此科及格。 Grading Students who have enrolled in AFL program in 2007 academic year should be considered having passed this course if they have passed any one of the following:Intermediate High evel of GEPT, TOEIC (700 and above), or TOEFL PBT (530 and above).
教學內容 訓練學生考英文證照的能力. Syllabus This course aims to promote students' English proficiency in order to obtain the English proficiency certificate, such as TOEIC, or GEPT.