當期課號 |
2353 |
Course Number |
2353 |
授課教師 |
林恆瑜 |
Instructor |
中文課名 |
實用英文寫作 |
Course Name |
Practical English Writing |
開課單位 |
應用外語系(四日)二A |
Department |
修習別 |
必修 |
Required/Elective |
Required |
學分數 |
2 |
Credits |
2 |
課程目標 |
本課程將以著重(一)書寫清楚;(二)整合主題;(三)書寫一般1,000 – 1,500 字之短報告及書信等; (四)行文流暢 且少有文法錯誤; (五)與日常生活相關主題之概念能清楚且適當自如地表達。 |
Objectives |
This course are the following: (1) students will learn how to generate topics (2) students will write cohesive paragraphs (3) students will be able to write the short papers and reports, about 1,000 – 1,500 words. (4) there are fewer grammatical mistakes in the students’ papers (5) students will be able to express their own ideas and viewpoints clearly and appropriately. |
教材 |
可續用上學期未完教材,或另訂教材。 |
Teaching Materials |
Finish the units of the textbook applied in the 1st semester, or confirm the new one later. |
成績評量方式 |
期中考 30% 期末考 30% 作業 40% |
Grading |
Mid-term 30% final test 30% homework 40% |
教師網頁 |
教學內容 |
本課程將提供學生中級程度寫作訓練。學生熟練主題句、支持句的運用並寫出完整的文章,包含詞彙運用、文法、條理組織性和合邏輯敘述等等書寫能力。學生並輔以閱讀練習,欣賞優美文章的作品。 |
Syllabus |
This intermediate course offers students various goals of writing. Students are expected to create good topic and supporting sentences while also practice rhetoric strategies, grammar usages, organized and logical writing descriptions. Reading assignment will be assigned to enhance students' appreciation and writing ability. |