朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Television/Film Analysis & Criticism 影視節目分析批評

當期課號 2303 Course Number 2303
授課教師 党永順 Instructor  
中文課名 影視節目分析批評 Course Name Television/Film Analysis & Criticism
開課單位 傳播藝術系(四日)三B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 教學目標:包含知識、技能、態度、其他等四項
Objectives 1. Reflect on the culture, criticism, and content of Taiwanese Television (development) 2. Analyze Taiwanese Television content (skills) 3. Understand methods of criticism and analysis of television (knowledge) 4. Reflect on the important issues in Taiwan TV culture (other)
教材 自編教材 Teaching Materials Instructor-Compiled Materials
成績評量方式 第一次小組報告 25%
第二次小組報告 25%
第三次小組報告 25%
出席與課堂參與 25%
Grading First Group Presentation 25%
Second Group Presentation 25%
Third Group Presentation 25%
Attendance and Participation 25%
教學內容 本課程探討當代影視批評的一些中心議題:譬如女性主義如何解構女性形象、精神分析對凝視的解讀、作者論對場面調度與蒙太奇的觀點、男性學對敘事聲音的檢驗、以及讀者論和類型電影分析等不同的切入方法。本課程亦針對電視節目的連續劇、MTV、綜藝節目、和廣告所蘊涵的經濟、美學、意識形態等因素作分析,期使學生能了解電影和電視節目如何再現族群、性別、性向、和階級等文化層面。課前學生必須閱讀相關的指定資料,並思索、形塑自我觀點或提出疑問。 Syllabus This course explores some central texts and topics in contemporary film and TV criticism. We will be reading critical and theoretical works on images of women, psychoanalytic theories of the gaze, auteur studies of mise-en-scene and montage, the making of masculinities in voice and narrative, and studies of viewer response and generic approaches. We will also critique the TV texts of drama sequels, MTV, variety shows and commercials in terms of the economic, aesthetic, and ideological characteristics of the television medium. By the end of the term, students will be able to employ various critical perspectives in order to analyze how a film or TV program represents gender, race, class, and sexuality. Assigned readings are due on the day scheduled. Students should come to class having read the assigned material, having thought about it, and having questions or ideas about it.