朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Special Topics 實務專題

當期課號 2292 Course Number 2292
授課教師 陳美合 Instructor CHEN,MEI HO
中文課名 實務專題 Course Name Special Topics
開課單位 傳播藝術系(四日)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 1 Credits 1
課程目標 本課程之目的在於使學生應用於課程中所學之傳播專業知識,結合社區服務。學生依其專長及選擇關心之議題,以實際行動服務社區,以達成全人發展的目標。 Objectives In this class, students will use the knowledge they have gained through previous experiences and use it for community service. Students choose their expertise and interest, take concrete actions to serve the community, and strive to reach the class goal of all-around development.
教材 由個別指導老師指定 Teaching Materials Depending on each supervisor
成績評量方式 依個別指導老師規定 Grading Depending on each supervisor
教學內容 本課程之目的在使學生應用課程所學知識,並發揮校內服務精神,以承接計畫的方式,由系內老師指導帶領,為學校拍攝製作重大活動或相關文宣之影帶。 Syllabus This course provide cultivation of students’ competence in production and acquaintance with operation and practice. Students works under the supervision of faculty, who approves and guides the project.