課程目標 |
1.介紹類型片之電影美學與電影理論使學生運用於電影製作中以增進學生進階專業知識。(知識)2.強調發揮學生的創意製作短片,學生透過再次的的小組影片製作從中學習拍片的技術與累積拍片的小組溝通經驗與各層面的技能的增長.此學期的16 mm電影拷貝製作,更能讓學生實踐完整流程之技能。(技能)3.讓學生從製作過程中增進進階電影製作組織能力與電影製作團隊溝通互動力(態度) |
Objectives |
1. Understand film aesthetics and theory to improve filmmaking practices (knowledge) 2. Practice the entire filmmaking process by taking a short film through to 16mm print; learn the valuable on and off-set skills to advance as a filmmaker (skills) 3. Learn advanced filmmaking techniques; gain organization, cooperation, and communication skills through hands-on practice (development) |
教學內容 |
劇本比稿、如何修改劇本、導演風格手段、討論拍攝劇本、選角&排演、動作技能訓練、ArriSr3 攝影機操作、ArriSr3 攝影機操作、燈光器材操作數位錄音機操作、器材認證、色彩基調&美術設計、數位製作會議、服裝/道具、拍片、毛片檢討、數位剪接操作、粗剪檢討、數位特效操作、影片檢討。 |
Syllabus |
pitching, modify script, dirctor's styles,discussing final script, audition and rehearsal, practicing acting, praticing Arriflex SR3 camera,practicing lighting, practing light monitor and color meter, practicing digital recorders,examing the equipment, color tone, art design, production meeting, costume, props, producing, review rushes, practicing digital editing system, special effect, discussing the team project. |