朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
News Gathering & Writing 新聞採訪與寫作

當期課號 2271 Course Number 2271
授課教師 周雲慧 Instructor CHOU,YUN HUI
中文課名 新聞採訪與寫作 Course Name News Gathering & Writing
開課單位 傳播藝術系(四日)二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 教學目標:包含知識、技能、態度、其他等四項
3.使學生具新聞發展、教育、組織、專業意理、新聞倫理、法規等相關知識 (知識)
Objectives 1. Develop self-discipline and a sense of social responsibility (development) 2. Learn advanced news gathering, news writing and interpersonal skills (skills) 3. Gain knowledge in the development, education, organization, ethics, and laws in journalism (knowledge) 4. Understand the evolution of the press, as well as possible future trends in its development (other)
教材 主要以課堂授課為方式為主,搭配power point投影片及錄影帶輔助說明,更運用報紙內容為訓練寫作之範例 Teaching Materials This course is designed to use the contents of news paper as the lecture on students.And will use power point and vedio tapes to assist extra explanation.
成績評量方式 配合授課大綱,每堂課皆設計課堂作業,以課堂實做作業為成績評量標準 Grading classworks
教師網頁 以大量的寫作配合學理的運用使學員瞭解採訪寫作的精髓
教學內容 在資訊爆炸的現代,傳播的威力無遠弗屆,因此傳播的知識的普及與傳播技巧的學習便顯得基本而重要.本課程以新聞的處理方式為教授的主要目標,強調新聞專業意理之培養,配合新聞採訪與寫作的技巧,以大量閱讀與鼓勵寫作的方式,啄磨學生之寫作技能,以達成學習之目標. Syllabus In this modern society,the force of mass communication is extremely powerful.Therefore,it is essencial and substantial to take lessons in the knowledge and technique of communication. This course emphasizes the moral principles of news writing and gathering.Furthur more ,by the way of large number of reading and writing to train up the skills of news writing and gathering of students.