當期課號 |
2267 |
Course Number |
2267 |
授課教師 |
郭昭蘭 |
Instructor |
中文課名 |
廣告策略與企劃 |
Course Name |
The Strategy and Planning of Advertising |
開課單位 |
傳播藝術系(四日)二A |
Department |
修習別 |
選修 |
Required/Elective |
Elective |
學分數 |
2 |
Credits |
2 |
課程目標 |
教學目標: 1.使學生了解具有新廣告稱號之整合行銷傳播之基本原理(知識)
2.能具備整合行銷傳播策略規劃及提案之能力 (技能)
4.能了解整合行銷傳播之發展應用情形(其他) |
Objectives |
1. Understand how adverstisements have broadened into integrated-marketing communications (of knowledge) 2. Use integrated-marketing communications strategies to develop proposals (skills) 3. Develop a professional advertising business manner (development) 4 . Understand how integrated-marketing communications have developed and influenced other areas (other) |
教材 |
課堂講義 Don E. Schultz著 朝陽堂編譯(民91),現代廣告概論:策略與實務。 台北: 新文京開發。 楊朝陽(民92),廣告企劃。台北: 新文京開發。 Larry Percy著 王鏑,洪敏莉譯(民89),整合行銷傳播策略:從企劃 ,廣告,促銷,通路到媒體整合。 台北:遠流 。 黃治蘋(民97),廣告企劃Step by Step。台北: 早安財經文化。 |
Teaching Materials |
Schultz,D.E.(2002). Introduction to modern advertising:Strategy and practice. Yang,C.Y.(2003). The planning of advertising. Percy,L.(2000).Integrated marketing communication strategy. class teaching material |
成績評量方式 |
課堂表現20% 企劃案 (口頭及書面)80% 點名未到一次扣總平均2分 點名超過三次無故未到學期成績以不及格計 作業遲交一天打九折,兩天八折,以此類推 |
Grading |
Class performance 20% Project 80% |
教師網頁 |
教學內容 |
廣告策略與企畫為廣告之進階課程,學生需結合行銷,廣告,創意,消費者心理及行為等領域之知識,並具備優秀之企畫能力,為所指定之企業,產品或理念規畫完整之整合行銷傳播企畫案. |
Syllabus |
Advertising strategies & Planning takes a market-oriented approach to the total campaign. The course interrelates planning,creative and technical skills with emphasis on problem-solving and marketing communications. |