當期課號 |
2245 |
Course Number |
2245 |
授課教師 |
胡美芳 |
Instructor |
中文課名 |
編劇方法 |
Course Name |
The Methods of Scriptwriting |
開課單位 |
傳播藝術系(四日)一B |
Department |
修習別 |
必修 |
Required/Elective |
Required |
學分數 |
2 |
Credits |
2 |
課程目標 |
教學目標: 1. 了解編劇的方法(知識) 2. 實際練習編劇的技巧(技能) 3. 培養編劇應有的素養(態度) 4. 了解編劇在影片製作中的角色定位與合作方式(其他) |
Objectives |
1. Understand scriptwriting methods (knowledge) 2. Practice actual scriptwriting skills (skills) 3. Prepare to become a professional scriptwriter (development) 4. Understand how scriptwriters cooperate with other members of the film team (other ) |
教材 |
1.Scriptwriting from the Heart, James Ryan, Billboard Books 2. The anatomy of a story, John Truby, Faber and Faber 3.實用電影編劇技巧-Syd Field著 遠流出版社 4.電影編劇新論-Ken Dancyger、Jeff Rush著 遠流出版社 5.自編教材 |
Teaching Materials |
1.Scriptwriting from the Heart, James Ryan, Billboard Books 2. The anatomy of a story, John Truby, Faber and Faber 3.Screen play :The foundations of screenwriting 4.Alternative scriptwriting : Writing beyond the rule 5. Selected reading and film clips |
成績評量方式 |
每週課堂作業 40% 期中報告 20% 期末作品 40% |
Grading |
Class assignment 40% midterm presentation 20% Final work 40% |
教師網頁 |
教學內容 |
本課程將提供以下編劇的方法: 1.故事與大綱的形成 2.故事主題的定訂 3.前景故事與背景故事 4.人物性格與戲劇衝突 5.故事的結構 6.情節與佈局 7.故事的調性與氛圍 8.分場大綱練習與分析
同學們將學習相關理論、寫作與分析技巧,並於本學期完成一劇本作品。 |
Syllabus |
The class will examine the following advanced scriptwriting method: 1.How to find a story and how to write the story outline 2. How to define what you want to say. The importance of premise 3.Enrich your story – The background and foreground of a story 4. Characters and conflict 5. Story structure 6.Set-up and plot 7.Tone and atmosphere in a script 8.Working on sequences and scenes
The students will learn scriptwriting theories, as well as practical skills and how to analysis script. They will be required to complete a script by the end of the semester. |