當期課號 |
2231 |
Course Number |
2231 |
授課教師 |
賴富山 |
Instructor |
Lai,Fu Shan |
中文課名 |
傳播史 |
Course Name |
History of Communications |
開課單位 |
傳播藝術系(四日)一A |
Department |
修習別 |
必修 |
Required/Elective |
Required |
學分數 |
2 |
Credits |
2 |
課程目標 |
教學目標: 1. 啟發對傳播史的興趣,俾能主動學習傳播相關歷史 (其他) 2. 認清傳播史變遷的因果發展,思索人我、群我的關係,以培養其推理、批判、思考及反省的能力(知識) 3. 藉由課程了解傳播從業者應有之歷史責任感 (態度) 4. 能解釋傳播現象,評價傳播歷史人物、重大事件並探討傳播相關之歷史問題(技能) |
Objectives |
1. Understand how historical information is disseminated in order to gain interest in communication (other) 2. Understand cause and effect in the historical development of communication; gain insight into the relationship of individuals and groups, thereby developing reasoning, critical thinking, and self-reflection skills (knowledge) 3. Develop a sense of historical responsibility as a communications professional (development) 4. Articulate the importance of historical figures, major events, and historical issues in communication; discuss issues in communications (skills). |
教材 |
大眾媒介社會史 人類傳播史 |
Teaching Materials |
Social History of the mass media History of Human Communication |
成績評量方式 |
出席參與討論:25% 書面報告:20% 期中考:25% 期末考Final:30% |
Grading |
Participation:25% Paperwork:20% Middle term:25% Final:30% |
教師網頁 |
教學內容 |
新世紀媒體潮席捲全球,究竟媒體是如何竄起,成為現代人生活中不可或缺的一部份?尤其時值十倍速科技時代,媒體又會開創怎樣的美麗新世界?從歷史史觀切入,加上全球區域分析,呈現了整個大眾媒介全球發展面貌。讓同學了解到媒體機制如何運作,媒體和國家的關係,以及不同媒體間的互動關係。 |
Syllabus |
New Century media tidal wave sweeping across the world, what the media is how rapidly became an indispensable modern life to become a part of? In particular, a time when 10-speed technological age, the media will create a kind of Brave New World? From the historical view of history, coupled with global regional analysis, showing the whole face of the global development of the mass media. Enable students to understand the mechanism how the media operate, the media and state relations, as well as interaction between different media. |