朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Topics in the Humanities & Social Sciences 人文社會科學專題

當期課號 2217 Course Number 2217
授課教師 吳鷰儀 Instructor WU,YEN YI
中文課名 人文社會科學專題 Course Name Topics in the Humanities & Social Sciences
開課單位 人文暨社會學院(四日) Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 為了增加學生社會人文科學之素養,增加知識之廣度,每週邀請一位人文社會科 學領域之專家學者進行演講。 Objectives The course is designed to provide students with broader knowledge in the field of humanities and social sciences. A well-known scholar is invited each week to give lectures in his or her specialized field.
教材 演講者提供 Teaching Materials Handed out in class
成績評量方式 成績評量:
一、 出席與課堂參與:20%
二、 作業:75%
Grading 1.Attedance 20%
2.Review 80%
教學內容 提供不同的領域與專題演講,讓學生提升對社會文化之關懷。諸如藝術、戲劇、音樂、建築、宗教與人生以及台灣文化等等議題。 Syllabus Human and Social Science Seminars Scholars and experts in the field are invited to give introduction and to discuss special topics on human and social science. The aim is to raise students’ literacy, cultural awareness and general knowledge. Topics will include various disciplines of fine and applied art, theater, music, architecture, religion, and current issues related to culture of Taiwan.