朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Feng Shui of Interior Architecture 室內環境風水

當期課號 2205 Course Number 2205
授課教師 劉佳鑫 Instructor LIU,CHIA HSIN
中文課名 室內環境風水 Course Name Feng Shui of Interior Architecture
開課單位 室內設計學位學程(四日)二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 中國傳統建築格局與環境認知建構的過程中,經常反映其特有之思想觀念及其與環境之呼應對話關係。本課程冀望藉由中國陽宅學形法中的吉凶意見,釐清傳統建築格局與環境之互動關係,解析其反映之思想觀念並闡述其現代意義。 Objectives In traditional Chinese Architecture, the process of choosing locations and building often shows some special concepts and the relation between buildings and the environment. This course is designed to discuss the mutual relation between Chinese traditional buildings and the environment by studying the opinions and suggestions offered in traditional Chinese Architecture. It’s also one of the goals of this course to explain the basic ideas of Chinese traditional Architecture and their modern meanings.
教材 陽宅形法中的幾個主要觀念  劉佳鑫 著  國彰出版社 Teaching Materials Main Concepts in Residential Planning
成績評量方式 (一) 平時成績 30% - 上課出席率、活動出席率、主動積極表現、作品是否準時繳交
(二) 期中考 30%
(三) 期末考 40%
Grading 1- Attendance 30%
2- Mid-Semester Examination 30%
3- Final Examination 40%
教學內容 第一週 課程簡介
第二週 氣的存在與作用
第三週 山水形勢與相地原則(一)
第四週 山水形勢與相地原則(二)
第五週 四神-空間上的主要觀念(一)
第六週 四神-空間上的主要觀念(二)
第七週 德觀與元亨利貞(一)
第八週 德觀與元亨利貞(二)
第九週 有情的環境觀
第十週 陰陽五行概說
第十一週 建築物內外格局與動線
第十二週 大門之塑造與水口之概念
第十三週 傢俱配置之基本原則與室內佈置
第十四週 室內植栽與戶外庭園
第十五週 室內色彩、材料與光線
第十六週 室內風水之現代意義與案例分析(一)
第十七週 室內風水之現代意義與案例分析(二)
第十八週 室內風水之現代意義與案例分析(三)
Syllabus Week 1 Introduction
Week 2 Existence and Function of "Chi"
Week 3 Principles of Examining Sites and
Orientations of Landscapes
(Part I)
Week 4 Principles of Examining Sites and
Orientations of Landscapes
(Part II)
Week 5 Four Gods - Main Concepts of
Space (Part I)
Week 6 Four Gods - Main Concepts of
Space (Part II)
Week 7 Case Study I
Week 8 Case Study II
Week 9 Emotional Landscape
Week 10 Concepts of Yin-Yang
Week 11 Exterior and Interior Layouts
of Architecture
Week 12 Design of Gates and Concepts of
Water Flow
Week 13 Basic Principles of Furniture
Layout and Interior Decoration
Week 14 Interior Vegetation and Outdoor
Week 15 Interior Color Scheme, Material
and Lighting
Week 16 Contemporary Definition of
Interior Feng-Shui and Case
Study (Part I)
Week 17 Contemporary Definition of
Interior Feng-Shui and Case
Study (Part II)
Week 18 Contemporary Definition of
Interior Feng-Shui and Case
Study (Part III)