朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Multi-media Representation and Application 複合媒材表達與運用

當期課號 2203 Course Number 2203
授課教師 陳松志 Instructor CHEN,SUNG CHIH
中文課名 複合媒材表達與運用 Course Name Multi-media Representation and Application
開課單位 室內設計學位學程(四日)二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 1.讓學生了解複合媒材創作理念,運用生活中的資源,以不同材質經由個人構思創作成立體作品。
Objectives 1.Students learn the concept of Mixed media then create three-dimensional art works out of daily resources and various media.
2.Enphasizing originality and execution ability.Students are encouraged to express personal creativity and demonstrate the characteristics of each medium.
教材 《台灣當代美術大系媒材篇:裝置與空間藝術》,孫立銓/著, 藝術家出版社,2003
Teaching Materials 《Taiwan Contemporary Art Series》The Artist Magazine publisher, 2003
self-made material
成績評量方式 實務練習,口頭報告,課堂討論,課程參與度 Grading project practice, verbal report,class discussion,attendance
教學內容 建立學生對材質認知與實際應用的關係,同時在材質實驗中培養學生對材質應用的專業能力。 Syllabus Cultivate students’professional ability and applied ability of material knowledge through the cognition, practice, and experiment application of material theories