朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Sophomore English 大二英文

當期課號 2190 Course Number 2190
授課教師 楊子萱 Instructor Tzu,Hsuan Yang
中文課名 大二英文 Course Name Sophomore English
開課單位 校訂必修(四日) Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程是日間部四技大二學生的兩學期必修課程。此共同英文課程旨在進一步提升學生之溝通能力,並加強其閱讀能力及寫作概念。 Objectives This two-semester course is required for all sophomores who are enrolled in the four-year day program. It is a general English course that aims to further enhance students’ communication competence and to strengthen their reading skills as well as their understanding in terms of the writing process.
教材 Step Forward (Book Three) by Spigarelli& Adelson-Goldstein,2007, Oxford University Press Teaching Materials Step Forward (Book Three) by Spigarelli& Adelson-Goldstein,2007, Oxford University Press
成績評量方式 評分方式

A 期中和期末考 (50% )
B 平時成績(50% )
1. 小考 15%
2. 語言溝通能力 15%
3. 作業 10%
4. 上課參與度 10%

C 出席率規定: 每位學生都需回報缺席原因(可向班長,小組長口頭告知代轉達或直接和老師請假), 必免發生緊急狀況時而無法掌握學生行蹤, 請假單須於一週內補交老師, 全勤之同學將於期末總分加三分做為
Grading Student Evaluation

A. Midterm & Final Exams (50% )

B. In-Class Grade (50%)
1. Quizzes 15%
2. Communications 15%
3. Assignments 10%
4. Participation 10%

C. Attendance Policy
Each student is NOT allowed to have absence without a leave application (ex: sick leave, personal leave, business leave) or a reason (oral report or through email,message..) make up in one week.
A perfect attendance record will earn 3 bonus points to your semester grades.
教學內容 本英語課程是專為大二而且是非外文系之學生所設計的﹐將強調‘內容導向”和“任務導向”為主之教學方式﹐幫助學生逐漸適應全英語思考的氛圍環境﹐換句話說﹐學生將被要求完成某種特殊專業技能 (依學生個人專長或行興趣) 之專題發表、人物專訪、角色扮演、英語個人簡報等。

本課程主要採用聽 、說 、讀 、寫四種不同方式的訓練來培養學生的溝通能力;透過深度教學和精心策劃的課程內容﹐希望提供學生一個情境式英語學習環境。 此外﹐

本課程將分成兩大主要目標 :
第二﹐加強學生的 ”基本的人際溝通技巧” (BICS) 並為將來 “進階學術/認知語言能力 ” (ACLP) 作橋樑。
期待透過以上兩種 ”基本的人際溝通技巧” (BICS) 和“進階學術/認知語言能力 ” (ACLP) 的訓練 ﹐培養學生之世界觀及競爭力﹐協助學生在未來投入國際市場的實力作準備 。
Syllabus Course Description:
The course of Sophomore English for non-English majors is expected to improved students’communication skills including listening speaking, reading and writing through the intensive and deliberate course design that offering in "English speaking immersion” contexts.
There will be two major goals for this course: one is I intend to increase my students’ language competences and performance as well as the understandings of cross- culture communication; the other is to improve students Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills (BICS) for bridging their advanced Cognitive/Academic Language Proficiency (ACLP).
Through the both practice of BICA and CALP, students are facilitated in accessing the global market, possessing of worldview and competitiveness.
Besides, the course will be emphasized in both Content-Based and Task-Based Instruction to make students exposure to the Whole Language education. That is, students will be assigned to complete specific project, interview, oral production and presentation during the semester.