朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Design Drawing and Presentation 設計表現法

當期課號 2188 Course Number 2188
授課教師 林希娟 Instructor ,
中文課名 設計表現法 Course Name Design Drawing and Presentation
開課單位 室內設計學位學程(四日)一A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 期使學生能運用表現圖,正確表達設計理念及空間形態,並能熟悉各種製圖工具之表現技法。課程之要內容為練習建築表現法之各種圖面,如配置、平面、立面、剖面、透視等之表現法,以及常用工具(鉛筆、針筆、彩色鉛筆、麥克筆等)之運用與表現技巧。 Objectives The main objective of this course is enhancing the ability of students in architecture drawings by different tools. Besides the basic drawings in architecture, such as site plan, plan, elevation, section and perspective, this course will let students try some advanced presentations in architecture drawings,
on the purpose of transferring the spatial characters into papers by handy drawing techniques.
教材 建築表現法-黃文生譯
Teaching Materials Architectural illustration- Paul Stevenson Oles
Drawing and Designing with Confidence- Mike W. Lin Asla
成績評量方式 作業平均分數 90%
出缺席狀態 10%
Grading Homework 90%
Attendance 10%
教學內容 課程之要內容為練習室內設計表現法之各種圖面,如平面、立面、剖面、透視等之表現法,以及常用工具(鉛筆、針筆、彩色鉛筆、麥克筆等)之運用與表現技巧。 Syllabus This course will let students try some advanced presentations in interior design drawings, on the purpose of transferring spatial characters into papers by various handy drawing techniques.