朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Basic Physical Eduction 基礎體育

當期課號 2180 Course Number 2180
授課教師 趙宸紳 Instructor CHAO,CHEN SHEN
中文課名 基礎體育 Course Name Basic Physical Eduction
開課單位 校訂必修(四日) Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 0 Credits 0
課程目標 藉以鍛鍊健全身心,促進均衡發展,培養運動道德,發揚團隊精神,增進體育新知,養成運動習慣,瞭解運動方法,提昇運動水準,培養運動興趣,充實休閒生活,建立終身運動習慣,欣賞運動美感,促進身心均衡發展。主要內容-田徑、體操、武術、球類、體適能、體育知識、水上運動、 Objectives For the training body and mind purpose, promote balanced development, cultivate sport morality, enhance cooperated spirit, increase sport knowledge, to form a sport habit, understand sport ways, improve sport standard, cultivate sport interests, substantial leisure time, and establish lifelong sport habit.
教材 哨子、籃球、排球、桌球、羽球球拍、網球球拍之實地演練 Teaching Materials The whistle, the basketball, the volleyball, the pool, the badminton racket, the tennis racket train on the spot
成績評量方式 出席率30%
Grading Participation 30%
Mid-term Exam. 30%
Final Exam. 40%
教學內容 熱身操後的女生800公尺、男生1600公尺之基本體能的維持與各種球類的基本動作基礎概念後在三、四年級根據自己興趣做選項以培養終身運動之習慣 Syllabus The juniors and seniors can choose their favorite sports according to their likes after getting the knowledge of doing warm-up exercises, how to keep the basic physical strength for female students’800m and male students’1600m, and obtaining basic concepts of doing foundmental moves