當期課號 | 2162 | Course Number | 2162 |
授課教師 | 王文傑 | Instructor | WANG,WEN CHIEH |
中文課名 | 進階電腦繪圖 | Course Name | Advanced Computer Graphics |
開課單位 | 景觀及都市設計系(四日)三A | Department | |
修習別 | 選修 | Required/Elective | Elective |
學分數 | 2 | Credits | 2 |
課程目標 | 本課程主要延續二年級上學期基礎電腦繪圖課程的進程,針對電腦繪圖中有關三度空間(3D)繪圖的部份進行深入的探討。期望在了解、熟悉3D電腦繪圖的操作流程後,能將該技術應用在環境規劃與設計的分析、創造以及完稿表現上。 | Objectives | This course is the continuation of the Basic Computer Graphics taught in the previous semester. It extends the concepts of computer graphics from two dimensional (2D) into three dimensional (3D). Its goal is to let students be able to utilize 3D computer graphics as an effecitve tool to aid their environmental planning and design works. |
教材 | Autodesk Maya | Teaching Materials | Autodesk Maya |
成績評量方式 | 作業與學期計畫案(85%) 課程參與(15%) |
Grading | Assignments and Term Project: 85% Class Participation: 15% |
教師網頁 | http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~jeffwang | ||
教學內容 | 1. 3D曲面建模 2. 3D模型材質設定 3. 照明與場景設定 4. 物件與相機路徑設定 5. 影像彩現與動畫算圖 |
Syllabus | 1. 3D Surface Modelng 2. 3D Model Texture Setup 3. Lighting and Scene Setup 4. Object and Camera Trajectory Setup 5. Still Image and Animation Rendering |