朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Environment Planning and Design(4) 環境規劃與設計(四)

當期課號 2160 Course Number 2160
授課教師 許國威 Instructor HSU,KUO WEI
中文課名 環境規劃與設計(四) Course Name Environment Planning and Design(4)
開課單位 景觀及都市設計系(四日)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 4 Credits 4
課程目標 1、訓練系統分析及理性邏輯思考之能力。2、都市計畫及景觀法規體系之認知與應用。3、加強報告書撰寫及書圖、簡報等專業表達能力之培養。 Objectives This course is a studio-based environmental planning and design practice, aims on integrate environmental-related curriculum into practical planning procedural and conceptual thinking. there are two projects assigned in this semester, the first assignment
教材 依規劃主題需要提供相關規劃報告及案例分析,配合課程進度提供演講內容。 Teaching Materials relative planning reports and case studies.
成績評量方式 規劃設計操作每單元各佔40%,共計80%,課程參與佔20%。 Grading planning and design projects grading 40%*2=80%, class participation 20%.
教學內容 本課程內容主要在於環境規劃與設計的操作:第一階段研擬鄉鎮村景觀規劃之服務建議書,嘗試典型的景觀規劃程序及方法,並提出一套完整的規劃構想;第二階段著重於都市設計議題。學生以分組合作方式進行規劃設計。 Syllabus There are two projects of environmental planning and design assigned in this course, the first assignment is a proposal for a rural landscape planning. The second assignment will focus on urban design. The students will assign to several groups and conducting the projects in teamwork partnership and instructor guidance framework.