朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Dynamic Digital Media 動態數位媒體

當期課號 2155 Course Number 2155
授課教師 王文傑 Instructor WANG,WEN CHIEH
中文課名 動態數位媒體 Course Name Dynamic Digital Media
開課單位 景觀及都市設計系(四日)二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 隨著資訊科技的進步和普及,規劃與設計作品的展示與傳播不再只侷限於靜態的平面媒體;利用電腦螢幕或單槍投影機,播放包含影音聲光且隨著時間變化的多媒體動態展示,甚至提供與觀賞者互動的網站也都已逐漸成為業界趨勢。本課程目的在於提供學生認識並進而熟悉動態數位媒體操作的機會。課程重點主要介紹關於視訊剪輯和平面電腦動畫的基礎概念,以及相關軟體的操作技巧,並以專題計畫的練習,提供學生嫻熟運用該等媒體於規劃設計作品展示的能力。 Objectives With the advent of information technology, the media used to present a design or planning project is longer limited to papers. Using computer display or projector to show a multimedia, or even interactive version of a project's design or plan is getting popular in the practice. This course is to provide students an opportunity to be acquainted with those dynamic digital media. The course will introduce the basics of video editing and 2D computer animation, and let students become familiar with related software packages through practicing in term projects.
教材 Adobe Flash, Premiere, Dreamweaver Teaching Materials Adobe Flash, Premiere, Dreamweaver
成績評量方式 課程參與(出席每次1%,外加討論,共計15%)
Grading Assignments and Term Project: 85%
Class Participation: 15%
教師網頁 http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~jeffwang
教學內容 一、Flash動畫製作
Syllabus 1. Flash animation production
2. Digital video (DV) shooting
3. DV editing and post production
4. Interactive digital video disc (DVD) production
5. Webcasting via Streaming