朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Typography & Editorial Design 編輯設計

當期課號 2098 Course Number 2098
授課教師 王桂沰 Instructor WANG,KUEI TO
中文課名 編輯設計 Course Name Typography & Editorial Design
開課單位 視覺傳達設計系(四日)二A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 1、傳統圖文編排理論─技巧的認知與實作演練
Objectives This course is an emphasizing the study of letterforms and their appropriate and effective use in visual communications. Topics include type classification and terminology, typeface identification, font design, book structures, the use of grids, type history and theory. The primary focus will be the use of typographic grids . style and information structures in multiple page projects with innovation experiments.
教材 1.自編教材
The Alphabetic Labyrinth/The letters in History and imagination,
Johanna Drucker, London: Thames & Hudson, 1995
Typology/Type Design from the Victorian Era to the Digital Age,
Steven Heller and Louise Fili, San Francisco: Chronicle Books. 1999
Typographic Design: Form & Communication /Rob Carter, Ben Day,
Philip Meggs, New York:Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1985
Teaching Materials The Alphabetic Labyrinth/The letters in History and imagination,
Johanna Drucker, London: Thames & Hudson, 1995
Typology/Type Design from the Victorian Era to the Digital Age,
Steven Heller and Louise Fili, San Francisco: Chronicle Books. 1999
Typographic Design: Form & Communication /Rob Carter, Ben Day,
Philip Meggs, New York:Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1985
成績評量方式 到課與課堂參與情形 30%
平時作業成績 10%
四次主要作業成績 60%
Grading Class participation 30%
Reguler assignment10%
Four major project 60%
教師網頁 www.design-lab.tw
教學內容 本學期課程進入數位媒體的編輯設計研究,以時下最常被使用的幾種電腦簡報媒體所衍生出的特有形式與功能,思考其不同於平面媒體的特質,以動態的觀點開發適應的形式,其中包含軟體使用的個人學習,與電腦螢幕文字與圖像呈現的功能性、美學性思索、嘗試,期望同學們面對的是現在與未來傳播趨勢下的編輯走向。 Syllabus The major design exploration of this semester would focus on the layout design of digital media since they are the most popular communication tool of mankind in the near future. It's not the computer software be taught in the class, but the concept of text in motion and the different space concept where the visuals positioned are discussed.