課程目標 |
下學期必修課程包括: 緒論、領導的意義。領導與權力、領導與統御。領導類型、領導原則。 領導者的任務、領導的基礎。領導者的條件。軍隊領導的意涵、軍隊領導者的特質。軍隊領導的基本才具。軍隊領導實務。結論 中國兵學思想發展、中國兵學思想特色、先秦時期中國兵學選粹、 拓展蛻變時期中國兵學選粹、廿世紀前期西方兵學思想、廿世紀後期西方兵學思想。 |
Objectives |
The required courses in the second semester including: The introduction, the meaning of leadership, Leadership and power, Leadership and rule, Leadership type, Leadership principles, Leadership mission, Leadership foundation, the terms and conditions of leaders, the meaning of military leadership, the characteristics of military leaders, the basic ability of military leaders. the practice of military leaders, Conclusion of Chinese military science thought development, Chinese military science thinking characteristic, Article extracts for Chinese military science in the period of Qin dynasty, Article extracts for the development and transformation period of Chinese military science, Western military science thought in earlier stage of twentieth century, Western military science thought in later stage of twentieth century |