當期課號 |
2084 |
Course Number |
2084 |
授課教師 |
李慧芳 |
Instructor |
中文課名 |
設計技法 |
Course Name |
Graphic Techniques |
開課單位 |
視覺傳達設計系(四日)一A |
Department |
修習別 |
必修 |
Required/Elective |
Required |
學分數 |
2 |
Credits |
2 |
課程目標 |
1、學習各種速寫技法、建立日常觀察與描繪習慣 2、熟悉應用於視覺設計之彩繪技法(水彩、粉彩、色鉛筆) 3、圖像資源之觀察、記錄、累積與取景構圖訓練 4、特定媒材從平面到立體之設計應用 5、培養實驗與創新精神 |
Objectives |
The purpose of this course is to lead students to explore the natures of different media and to figure out how to use them to present graphic works. Except pencils and charcoals, they will try the other drawing media such as watercolor, crayon, pastel, or acrylic color. By combining visual theoretic studies and graphic techniques, students are encouraged to develop their personal styles and original source in graphic design, and preparing for the illustration or animation program. |
教材 |
筆記大自然 鄉宇文化出版 Drawing From Artist within |
Teaching Materials |
筆記大自然 鄉宇文化出版 Drawing From Artist within |
成績評量方式 |
1.20%報告 (實驗紀錄完整性40%,思考與感受深度30%,自我挑戰性30%) 2.80%作品 (視覺美感40%,創意度40%,完成度20%)
作業項目與說明 1. 形線畫 2. 速寫類:課堂速寫1,2,校園速寫 速寫集出版 |
Grading |
papermakng experimenatl report 20% sketch 80% |
教師網頁 |
教學內容 |
使學生瞭解 技法學習的意義與原則,從而進行 1. 創造性思考與創作習慣的的培養 2. 技法學習與技術的增進 3. 實驗精神的建立
本學期著重形線畫、速寫 |
Syllabus |
1.adding student's understanding of the meaning and principles of technical learning in design 2.Cultivate students' creative thinking and attitude 3.improving students' learning abilities 4.establish their experimental habbits towards their ideas. |