朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Industrial Design(4) 工業設計(四)

當期課號 2051 Course Number 2051
授課教師 陳建男 Instructor CHEN,JAN NAN
中文課名 工業設計(四) Course Name Industrial Design(4)
開課單位 工業設計系(四日)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 一、本課程目的在使學生除執行現存產品設計所須之條件以外,更進一步具備面對未來挑戰之開創能力。在完整流程的演練中,確立學生對充分應用現有科技與滿足未來生活需求、開創全新生活型態所須之方法具備應有之了解。 二、要求學生遵照完整之設計流程,並講解各步驟之間的邏輯 Objectives Objectives: Enhancing awareness of the principles and procedures of practical product design which are popularly accepted in industries, devicing students with good foundations for meeting the requirements demanded by industries in terms of executing prac
教材 教師自編 Teaching Materials Organized by the lecturer
成績評量方式 設計合理性、設計流程之掌控,設計作品呈現及成果報告書
Grading design project one 50%
design project two 30%
design project three 20%
教學內容 一、建立學生對於工業設計流程之正確觀念並配合設計主題實作,進行設計實務演練
Syllabus Objectives: Enhancing awareness of the principles and procedures of practical product design which are popularly accepted in industries, devicing students with good foundations for meeting the requirements demanded by industries in terms of executing practical product design project for existing products