朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Green Technology of Building Construction 綠色營建技術

當期課號 2003 Course Number 2003
授課教師 董皇志 Instructor TUNG,HUANG CHIH
中文課名 綠色營建技術 Course Name Green Technology of Building Construction
開課單位 建築系(四日)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程將建築技術等實質面的構造施工與環境控制設備之議題,整合入建築設計之思維與作為。提供從「設計--施工--營運使用」之建築生產過程中,對於綠建築技術基礎資料取用、以及技術應用探討,使能綠建築之設計思維及營造技術落實於建築環境控制。課程內容包括:1.綠建築之技術手法集錦,瞭解其內容及趨勢。2.瞭解綠技術的操作性問題,包括界面關係、目的性能、接合方法等。與3.相關建築案例介紹。 Objectives The course issue on green building technology which include environment manipulate, equipment and construction of building. Integrate with architecture-design and practical structure. These techniques include environmental symbiosis, energy , resource, construction, Eco-Engineering and so on. The purpose of this course is to classify and research the technologies related to the building construction and then transforms these constructions into available form. The contents of course is that,1. The collection of constructional analysis of green building technology cases, classify and arrange the concept of green building technology. 2. Arranging the relational issue about green building technology and construction, focus on the problem in practical interface , use-values, joints of building construction. 3. The case study of green building technology.
教材 1.林憲德,1999,城鄉生態,詹氏書局,台北。
2.林鎮洋、邱逸文 2003《生態工法概論》,台北:明文。
4.綠建築規劃設計技術彙編之研究 / 內政部建築研究所研究,臺北市: 內政部建築研究所,2000。
5.內政部建築研究所專題研究計畫成果報告:綠建築標章評估指標及方法之研究 / 蕭江碧,臺北市:內政部建築研究所,1999。
6.產品永續設計:綠色設計理論與實務 / 杜瑞澤著,臺北市:亞太圖書,2002。
7. Green product by design/ Congress of U.S.A. Office of Technology Assessment
Teaching Materials The integrated course consists of four different areas of green design
1.Lin, S.D, 1999, Ecology of urban planning, Taipei
2.Chang J.Y., 2001, Basic guidelines on the green urban planning, Landscape Development Co.
1.Institute of architecture research, 2000, Techniques and planning on green architecture, Taipei city government.
2.Institute of architecture research, 1999, Eco label on green architecture, Taipei city government.
Industrial design
1.Tu, R.S, 2002, Theory and practice on sustainable product design, Pan-Asia.
2.Green product by design/ Congress of U.S.A. Office of Technology Assessment
Visual Communication
1.Chuko, J., 2002, Traditional handcraft and green design, Journal of Chaoyang Design.
2.Class note.
成績評量方式 平時10%,
Grading Midterm report 70%
attendance & ordinarily presentation 10%
Final report 20%
教師網頁 http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~hctung
教學內容 1.導論(Lecture)與文獻回顧(document review):永續與綠建築、構造與營建(構法與工法)、新建築(new building)與重生(Remodel & Reborn)
Syllabus The integrated course consists of four different areas of green design
1.Ecology of urban planning
2.Energy, material and diversify issues
3.Theory and case study of the green urban planning
1.Theory and application of green architecture
2.Techniques and practices on green architecture
Industrial design
1.Life cycle and product design
2.Sustainable industrial design development studies
Visual Communication
1.Traditional handcraft and green design
2.Application of sustainable design in visual communication