當期課號 |
2002 |
Course Number |
2002 |
授課教師 |
陳炯堯 |
Instructor |
中文課名 |
校外實習 |
Course Name |
Internship |
開課單位 |
建築系(四日)四A |
Department |
修習別 |
必修 |
Required/Elective |
Required |
學分數 |
2 |
Credits |
2 |
課程目標 |
藉由校外實習讓學生充分體會校內課程目的,以激發學習效果並藉此給予學生提前規劃自己建築生涯。由學校提供名單,由學生自由抉擇,並照會家長。實習成績由實習單位協助提供,以提昇實習效果。 |
Objectives |
The goal of this course is to enable the students to acquire the necessary experiences in architectural design.
Course works needs really being in employment and provide students with the skills to compete in architectural drawing under the architect’s instruction.
It offers students a chance to reconsider the training in school curriculum and seek to develop individuality in future. |
教材 |
各畢業班設計指導老師自訂. |
Teaching Materials |
Directed by Archi. Design Adviser. |
成績評量方式 |
實習單位評分(須實習單位主管簽章,4/30前)50%, 實習計劃書(4/30前)20%, 實習心得報告30%(4/30前). 均以親筆書寫且附加照片. 逾期否以郵戳為憑, 延後不計分. |
Grading |
Traning acception and candidate assignment(4/30)50%, practical planning(4/30), Internship report(4/30)50%. |
教師網頁 |
教學內容 |
藉由校外實習讓學生充分體會校內課程目的, 以激發學習效果並藉此給予學生提前規劃自己的建築生涯. |
Syllabus |
The internship program serves two goals. First, it encourages students' future planning in architecture business by acquainting them with the challenges and rewards of interest work. Second, it provides the exercise changes of school programs, which too often operates on limited resources, with the dedication, energy, and idealism that our interns bring to their work. |