朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Architectural Design(Ⅵ) 建築設計(六)

當期課號 2001 Course Number 2001
授課教師 包匡 Instructor  
中文課名 建築設計(六) Course Name Architectural Design(Ⅵ)
開課單位 建築系(四日)四A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 4 Credits 4
課程目標 以專題設計為主,需作專題報告及設計。訓練重點:1.規劃設計流程及方法2.邏輯思考與創意3.環境觀察課題探討與策略研析4.實務操作5.Program 之擬定。 Objectives This course aims to cultivate students’ ability to comprehend overall design process through emphases on the importance of design methods, environmental and site analyses, problem explorations and strategy development.
教材 各組教師自訂教學方式,學生以自選主題基地,透過理性分析、科技、傳統設計作品比較,配合相關實例參訪解說及文獻閱讀討論進而產生設計概念,以發展構思形成具體圖面。 Teaching Materials Teacher arranges his or her own way to lead students. Students select their sites and do the programs. Through rational analysis and comarison of works, students start to generate their ideas. After constructed general pictures they can develop the whole design products.
成績評量方式 1.草評(一)15% 2.草評(二)15% 3.期中評圖15% 4.期末評圖35% 5.報告書10% 6.平時成績5% 7.指導老師設計考核5% Grading First and Second jury and semi-final jury 15% each, Final jury 35%, Report 10%, Participation 5%, Techer Judgement 5%.
教學內容 以專題設計為主,需作專題報告及設計。訓練重點:1.規劃設計流程及方法2.邏輯思考與創意3.環境觀察課題探討與策略研析4.實務操作5.Program 之擬定。 Syllabus This course aims to cultivate students’ ability to comprehend overall design process through emphases on the importance of design methods, environmental and site analyses, problem explorations and strategy development.