當期課號 | 1999 | Course Number | 1999 |
授課教師 | 郭柏巖 | Instructor | KUO,PO YEN |
中文課名 | 建築照明 | Course Name | Building Lighting |
開課單位 | 建築系(四日)三A | Department | |
修習別 | 選修 | Required/Elective | Elective |
學分數 | 2 | Credits | 2 |
課程目標 | 教導學生如何將採光與照明設計做統合性的設計,以提昇建築品味與物理環境的機能性。並教導學生瞭解照明光源的種類與燈具選用原則,並使用正確的照明系統在建築設計上,同時教導學生如何在電腦中做出逼真的照明模擬等技巧,讓學生在建築設計的操作中可以立即應用。最後介紹照明節約能源的觀念避免照明的超量設計。 | Objectives | This course aims to combine the natural lighting design and building lightings design for students. The contents of this course are emphasized on the following parts: (1)Theach the students how to choose the right luminaires and lighting system. (2)The advanced skills in lighting simulation programs in computer. (3)Introduce the energy conservation of the lighting design to avoid the over design. |
教材 | 全程以powerpoint簡報方式上課,並輔以實作及討論、電腦上機操作、天空圓頂實驗室操作 1.Lighting Modern Building/Derek Phillips/Architectural Press 2.照明設計/黃哲平/東華書局 3.Lighting the Workplace/By The Editors of PBC International 4.室內照明設計原理/石曉蔚/淑馨 5.日光照明與永續設計/Mary Guzowski/六合 6.Lighting Design/Carl Gardner & Barry Hannaford/Jogn Wiley & Sons.Inc 7. 3DS VIZ/MAX 與 Lightscape 真實燈光大師/知城出版社 |
Teaching Materials | Powerpoint and computer operation |
成績評量方式 | 1.平時出席率30% 2.期中30% 3.期末40% |
Grading | 1.homework and attendance 30% 2.midterm 40% 3.final report 40% |
教師網頁 | 個人LMS數位學習網頁 | ||
教學內容 | 1.建築採光的整合設計技巧 2.光學原理 3.照明燈具、光源、設計手法之應用 4.電腦中的照明模擬設計能力(Dialux電腦照明模擬) |
Syllabus | 1.Natural lighting Design. 2.Theory of lighting. 3.Lights and the design method. 4.Lighting simulation in computer.(Dialux Software) |