當期課號 |
1989 |
Course Number |
1989 |
授課教師 |
蔡秉育 |
Instructor |
Tsai,Ping Yu |
中文課名 |
西洋建築史 |
Course Name |
History of Western Architecture |
開課單位 |
建築系(四日)二A |
Department |
修習別 |
必修 |
Required/Elective |
Required |
學分數 |
2 |
Credits |
2 |
課程目標 |
分析西洋文明發展歷程中營建行為如何對待各別類型的時空背景,如何賦予空間實踐不同的責任、需求與目的。範圍包括:1.探尋史前建築2.古文明時期3.中世紀時期4.文藝復興以降之革新趨勢5.新古典至折衷主義與理性主義 |
Objectives |
Profile made to analyze the building behaviors in the development of western civilizations in terms of how them define the function, demands and objectives of space layout; the range encompasses:
1.Exploring prehistoric architecture;
2.The Ancient Civilization period;
3.The Medieval period;
4.The revolutionary trends since the Renaissance;
5.The evolvement from the Neo-classicism to the Reconciliatory School and
the Rationalism
. |
教材 |
1.自編教材 2.西洋建築相關影片 |
Teaching Materials |
Self-selected teaching materials |
成績評量方式 |
平時成績:30% (依出席) 期中考成績:30% 期末考成績:40% |
Grading |
1.Attendance 30% 2.Midterm examination 30% 3.Final Examination 40% |
教師網頁 |
教學內容 |
1. 西方人文背景與地理特色對西洋建築發展之影響 2. 各時期西洋建築之特色 3. 西洋建築案例介紹 |
Syllabus |
Profile made to analyze the building behaviors in the development of western civilizations in terms of how them define the function, demands and objectives of space layout; the range encompasses: 1.Exploring prehistoric architecture; 2.The Ancient Civilization period; 3.The Medieval period; 4.The revolutionary trends since the Renaissance; 5.The evolvement from the Neo-classicism to the Reconciliatory School and the Rationalism . |