朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
History of Western Architecture 西洋建築史

當期課號 1989 Course Number 1989
授課教師 蔡秉育 Instructor Tsai,Ping Yu
中文課名 西洋建築史 Course Name History of Western Architecture
開課單位 建築系(四日)二A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 分析西洋文明發展歷程中營建行為如何對待各別類型的時空背景,如何賦予空間實踐不同的責任、需求與目的。範圍包括:1.探尋史前建築2.古文明時期3.中世紀時期4.文藝復興以降之革新趨勢5.新古典至折衷主義與理性主義 Objectives Profile made to analyze the building behaviors in the development of western civilizations in terms of how them define the function, demands and objectives of space layout; the range encompasses: 1.Exploring prehistoric architecture; 2.The Ancient Civilization period; 3.The Medieval period; 4.The revolutionary trends since the Renaissance; 5.The evolvement from the Neo-classicism to the Reconciliatory School and the Rationalism .
教材 1.自編教材
Teaching Materials Self-selected teaching materials
成績評量方式 平時成績:30% (依出席)
Grading 1.Attendance 30%
2.Midterm examination 30%
3.Final Examination 40%
教學內容 1. 西方人文背景與地理特色對西洋建築發展之影響
2. 各時期西洋建築之特色
3. 西洋建築案例介紹
Syllabus Profile made to analyze the building behaviors in the development of western civilizations in terms of how them define the function, demands and objectives of space layout; the range encompasses: 1.Exploring prehistoric architecture; 2.The Ancient Civilization period; 3.The Medieval period; 4.The revolutionary trends since the Renaissance; 5.The evolvement from the Neo-classicism to the Reconciliatory School and the Rationalism .