朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Architectural Environmental Control (2) 建築環境控制(二)

當期課號 1986 Course Number 1986
授課教師 陳炯堯 Instructor CHEN,CHIUNG YAO
中文課名 建築環境控制(二) Course Name Architectural Environmental Control (2)
開課單位 建築系(四日)二A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 這個課程配合建築系學生所學習過的基礎物理知識于以升級, 補充並擴充建築範圍內所需之內容. 課程主題分為建築光學, 聲學及熱學.? 本學期之內容主要包括如下:
Objectives This is a continuation of General Physics. Physical problem solving ability is further developed for architectural environment. Topics include properties of simple harmonic motion, waves and sound, heat, heat transfer, thermodynamics, light, lighting and luminance. We focus here in this semester are: 1. daylight planning; 2. natural climate; 3. indoors thermal, humidity, ventilation and environmental regulation; 4. road noise evaluation, air conditioner noise control.
教材 1.建築物理概論, 陳啟中 編著, 詹氏書局.
3.建築物理, 江哲銘著, 三民書局.
Teaching Materials 1.建築物理概論, 陳啟中 編著, 詹氏書局.
3.建築物理, 江哲銘著, 三民書局.
成績評量方式 期中考25%, 期末考25%, 期中演習10%, 點名及小考40%. Grading Midterms 25%, Final 25%, Report & practice 10%, In-class 40%
教師網頁 http://www.acoustics.com.tw/
教學內容 課程區分
(3)PA 設計
Syllabus Topics include:
(1)Advanced acoustics
(2)Absorption, Isolation for sound
(3)PA design
(4)Indoors environments
(6)Heat conduction and humidity protection
(7)Thermal evaluation