朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Technical Practice of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis (II) 環境檢測技術實務(二)

當期課號 1942 Course Number 1942
授課教師 程淑芬 Instructor CHENG,SHU FEN
中文課名 環境檢測技術實務(二) Course Name Technical Practice of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis (II)
開課單位 環境工程與管理系(四日)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程包括理論介紹及實務實習。結合環境檢測業者之實務案例,讓學生學習環境檢測之相關實務工作,內容包括產品、空氣、地表水、土壤、地下水、廢棄物及噪音等之採樣、分析方法及相關之品保品管工作實務。 Objectives This course including theory introduction and sampling, analysis practices learning. By real cases visiting, lets the student learning the practice technique. The content including the product, the air, the surface water, the soil, the ground water, the waste and the noise sampling, analysis method and related QA/QC work practice.
教材 自編講義 Teaching Materials handout
成績評量方式 期中考20%;期末報告30%;出席情形及作業50% Grading Midterm 20%; final-reporting 30%; class participation and homework 50%.
教學內容 結合環境檢測業者之實務案例,讓學生學習環境檢測之相關實務工作,內容包括產品、空氣、地表水、土壤、地下水、廢棄物及噪音等之採樣、分析方法及相關之品保品管工作實務。 Syllabus By real cases visiting, lets the student learning the practice technique. The content including the product, the air, the surface water, the soil, the ground water, the waste and the noise sampling, analysis method and related QA/QC work practice.