朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Environmental Management System 環境管理系統

當期課號 1933 Course Number 1933
授課教師 羅煌木 Instructor LO,HUANG MU
中文課名 環境管理系統 Course Name Environmental Management System
開課單位 環境工程與管理系(四日)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程介紹環境管理系統之做法與精神,並著重於ISO 14000之精義 Objectives This course provides the basic spirit and practice of ISO 14000.
教材 1.Implementing ISO 14000. T. Tibor and I. Feldman Teaching Materials 1.Implementing ISO 14000. T. Tibor and I. Feldman
成績評量方式 1.出席15% 2.作業報告15% 3.期中考30% 4.期末考40% Grading 1.Presence 15% 2.Reports and presentation 15% 3.Mid-term examination 30% 4.Final-term examination 40%
教學內容 本課程介紹環境管理系統之做法與精神,並著重於ISO 14000之精義,內容包括條文介紹、環境承諾與政策、環境規劃、實施與執行、量測與評估、環境審核與持續改善等。此外,課程內容將介紹相關案例與實務,著重於環境管理系統、環境績效評估、環境稽核、生命週期評估、環境標章、產品標準環境考量面等 Syllabus This course provides the basic spirit and practice of ISO 14000. Teaching content contains introduction of guidelines, environmental commitment and policy, environmental planning, implementation, measurement and evaluation, review and improvement. In addition, it includes environmental management system, environmental performance evaluation, environmental auditing, life cycle assessment, environmental labelling and environmental aspects in product standards and the like.