朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Engineering Mathematics(II) 工程數學(二)

當期課號 1918 Course Number 1918
授課教師 張迪惠 Instructor CHANG,DYI HUEY
中文課名 工程數學(二) Course Name Engineering Mathematics(II)
開課單位 環境工程與管理系(四日)二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 目 標:詳述與工程相關的數學原理、推導與解法,使學者能有效的運用工程上的各種數學公式。內 容:(1) 線性代數,(2 )線性微分方程式系統與狀態方程式 Objectives Objective:This course provide an introduction to those branches of post-calculus mathematics with which engineers need to be familiar in order to carry on their work effectively.Content:(1) Linear algebra, (2) System of linear differential equations and
教材 工程數學by 羅文陽 等人 (高立) ISBN 986-412-018-2 Teaching Materials 工程數學by 羅文陽 等人 (高立) ISBN 986-412-018-2
成績評量方式 三次平常考(85%)<br>
上課表現 (15%)
Grading Three Quizzes (85%)<br>
Participation (15%)
教學內容 目 標:<br>
內 容:<br>
(1) 線性代數,(2 )線性微分方程式系統與狀態方程式
Syllabus Objective:<br>
This course provide an introduction to those branches of post-calculus mathematics with which engineers need to be familiar in order to carry on their work effectively.<br>
(1) Linear algebra, (2) System of linear differential equations and characteristic equations