朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Environmental Laws 環保法

當期課號 1906 Course Number 1906
授課教師 林宏嶽 Instructor LIN,HUNG YUEH
中文課名 環保法 Course Name Environmental Laws
開課單位 環境工程與管理系(四日)二A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程主要目的在於介紹國內環境保護法令。藉由國際趨勢的介紹,瞭解環境法令的進程,並逐一說明國內空氣、水、廢棄物、土壤、以及相關之環保法令,讓學生可以對於國內之環保法令有基礎之瞭解。 Objectives The course will introduce the environmental laws of Taiwan. First, the international trend of environmental protection laws will be introduced. Secondly, the environmental laws for air, water, waste, soil and other related ones will be also explained.
教材 環境政策與法規, 李澤民 編著,91.1 Teaching Materials envrionmental policy and law, by Jaymin Lee, 2001 (in chinese)
成績評量方式 1報告:30% 2.期中考30% 3.期末考30% 4.其他:10% Grading term project: 30%, midterm: 30%, final: 30%, others: 10%
教學內容 1.環境問題,政策形成 2.政策內涵 3.我國環保法體系 4.基本法以及各媒介母法 Syllabus introduce students to the institution of environmental control in Taiwan, procedure matters of law making and essentials of environmental laws.