當期課號 | 1900 | Course Number | 1900 |
授課教師 | 白子易 | Instructor | PAI,TZU YI |
中文課名 | 廢水處理實驗 | Course Name | Wastewater Laboratory |
開課單位 | 環境工程與管理系(四日)二A | Department | |
修習別 | 必修 | Required/Elective | Required |
學分數 | 1 | Credits | 1 |
課程目標 | 本課程為配合廢水處理之實驗課程,教學之目標為訓練學生實驗室單元操作的方法,及各種水質分析的技巧,並學習分組合作及撰寫實驗報告。實驗內容包括物理處理單元、化學處理單元及生物處理單元。 | Objectives | The objectives of this course are to train students various laboratory skills for unit operations and processes. Students are divided into several groups to learn teamwork and writing skill for laboratory report as well. The experiments include sedimentation and adsorption for physical treatment; jar test for coagulation and disinfection for chemical treatment; BOD kinetics and activated sludge pilot plant operation. |
教材 | 1.廢水處理單元設計及操作準則之試驗建立,工業局污染技術服務團、中技社編印。 2.Metcalf & Eddy Inc., Wastewater Engineering – Treatmant, Disposal, and Reuse, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1991. |
Teaching Materials | Metcalf & Eddy Inc., Wastewater Engineering – Treatmant, Disposal, and Reuse, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1991. |
成績評量方式 | 1.平時成積 (出席率、課堂討論) 30 % 2.面談口試 30% 3.實驗成績(實驗參與度、實驗報告) 40% |
Grading | 1.Class participation 30% 2.Examination 30% 3.Reports 40% |
教師網頁 | http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~typai/ | ||
教學內容 | 本課程為環管系三年級必修課程,乃配合廢水處理之實驗課程。教學之目標為訓練學生實驗室單元操作的方法,及各種水質分析的技巧,並學習分組合作及撰寫實驗報告。實驗內容包括物理單元之沈澱試驗及吸附實驗,化學單元之瓶杯實驗及加氯消毒實驗;生物實驗包含BOD動力分析實驗,及連續三週之活性污泥模廠操作,期末專題則由各組選擇一個單元,進行簡報。 | Syllabus | This course is provided to the second-year students along with the Wastewater Engineering course. The teaching bjective is to train students various laboratory skills for unit operations and processes. Students are divided into several groups to learn team work and writing skill for laboratory report as well. The experiments include sedimentation and adsorption for physical treatment; jar test for coagulation and disinfection for chemical treatment; BOD kinetics and activated sludge pilot plant operation. During the pilot operation, samples are taken for analyses to learn important operating parameters, such as F/M, MLSS, SVI, DO. Microscopic examination and on-line monitoring are also performed to enhance the monitoring skill. Each group is also asked to conduct a term paper on one unit treatment for functional design by using the computer spreadsheet technique. |