當期課號 |
1895 |
Course Number |
1895 |
授課教師 |
張簡水紋 |
Instructor |
中文課名 |
污染物分析與監測 |
Course Name |
Sampling and Analysis of Pollutants |
開課單位 |
環境工程與管理系(四日)一B |
Department |
修習別 |
必修 |
Required/Elective |
Required |
學分數 |
2 |
Credits |
2 |
課程目標 |
瞭解污染物分析的基本原理與品管要求學習污染物採樣與分析操作之方法與技巧學習實驗的設計目標與精神 重量分析法(TS,SS,VS) 容量分析法(酸度、鹼度、硬度、DO、BOD、COD) 比色分析法(色度) |
Objectives |
To understand the fundamental and quality control of pollutants analysis To learn the analytical methods and skills of sampling and operation To learn the design objectives and principles of experiments weight analytical methods(TS,SS,VS) volume analytical methods(acidity, salinity, hardness,DO、BOD、COD) color comparison methaods(color) |
教材 |
水質分析實驗,徐貴新編,高立圖書(2006) |
Teaching Materials |
Water quality analysis experiments, Xu Gui new, GAO Books (2006). |
成績評量方式 |
1.平時成績 (出席率、課堂討論、面談) 10% 2.學習評量作業及小考 20% 3.期中考35%4.期末考35% |
Grading |
1.regular evaluation (presence、discusion、interview) 10% 2.homework and quizs 20% 3.midterm exam 35% 4.final exam 35% |
教師網頁 |
教學內容 |
瞭解污染物分析的基本原理與品管要求 學習污染物採樣與分析操作之方法與技巧 學習實驗的設計目標與精神
重量分析法(TS,SS,VS) 容量分析法(酸度、鹼度、硬度、DO、BOD、COD) 比色分析法(色度) |
Syllabus |
To understand the fundamental and quality control of pollutants analysis To learn the analytical methods and skills of sampling and operation To learn the design objectives and principles of experiments
weight analytical methods(TS,SS,VS) volume analytical methods(acidity, salinity, hardness,DO、BOD、COD) color comparison methaods(color) |