朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Environmental Science 環境生態學

當期課號 1890 Course Number 1890
授課教師 楊錫賢 Instructor YANG,HSI HSIEN
中文課名 環境生態學 Course Name Environmental Science
開課單位 環境工程與管理系(四日)一A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程之目標在使學生瞭解生態學之基本原理,培養學生生態保育概念並將所學充分應用到日常生活及環境保護實務上‧本課程由環境中之非生物因子介紹起,包含介質、基底、水、光線、氣候、土壤、溫度、濕度、營養等;然後進入生物因子之探討,包括生物種內的關係、生物群聚、生態之消長以及動態的生態系;課程最後介紹台灣的生態系及污染防治與生態保育。 Objectives The students would realize the basic principles of ecology and be able to apply the knowledge to environmental protection work. Abiotic environmental factors would be first introduced. They include media, substratum, water, light, climate, soil, temperature and nutrient. Then, biotic factors including intraspecific population regulation, communities, succession and the dynamics of ecosystem. Finally, the ecosystems in Taiwan would be discussed.
教材 教 材 生態學 (新文京),朱錦忠著
參 考 資 料 1. Elements of Ecology by Robert Leo Smith and Thomas M. Smith, Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.2. Introduction to Ecology by J.C. Emberlin, The M & E Handbook Series. 3. 生態學概論(徐氏基金會出版),郝道猛編著。
Teaching Materials 生態學 (新文京),朱錦忠著
成績評量方式 平時成績 30% (出席率, 課堂表現)期中考35%期末考35% Grading Class participation 20%Midterm 40%Final exam.40%
教學內容 一、生態與生態系;
Syllabus 1.Ecology and ecosystem
2.Individual and population
4.Ecology of Taiwan