朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Chemical Specialty 特用化學品

當期課號 1868 Course Number 1868
授課教師 卓重光 Instructor JOW,CHUNG KUANG
中文課名 特用化學品 Course Name Chemical Specialty
開課單位 應用化學系(四日)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 電子工業為本國現今最重要的產業,而電子特用化學品又為其最關鍵的部份,本門課針對現今產業,如:液晶顥示器,可錄一次式光碟片、有機態光鼓、彩色濾光片等,作一系列的介紹,並介紹專利搜尋及佈局。 Objectives The main purpose of this course is to provide the student the basic knowledge of electronic speciality, include the key chemicals of electronic products. Ex. LCD, CD-R, OPC and color filter. The Method for patent search and patent mapping will be discussed.
教材 Discusion with students by homemade handout and blackboard! and ask students to practice search the patents and reading ! lots of homeworks!!
the grade will depends on the reports.
Teaching Materials Discusion with students by homemade handout and blackboard! and ask students to practice search the patents and reading ! lots of homeworks!!
the grade will depends on the reports.
成績評量方式 midterm report 30*2
Final Report 40
Grading midterm report 30*2
Final Report 40
教師網頁 http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~ckjow
教學內容 This Course will teach students how to search, read and map the patents from the patent data bases. Also will introduce the modern material for the electronic industries. Syllabus This Course will teach students how to search, read and map the patents from the patent data bases. Also will introduce the modern material for the electronic industries.