當期課號 |
1867 |
Course Number |
1867 |
授課教師 |
廖雅芳 |
Instructor |
中文課名 |
免疫學 |
Course Name |
Immunology |
開課單位 |
應用化學系(四日)四A |
Department |
修習別 |
選修 |
Required/Elective |
Elective |
學分數 |
3 |
Credits |
3 |
課程目標 |
本課程主要目標為學習與熟悉免疫學之基礎理論,使學生瞭解免疫系統的發展與應用,藉由免疫學之發展史,免疫生理之作用過程與免疫病理相關疾病,以滿足學生對未來科學研究上許多以免疫觀念為基礎之需要。 |
Objectives |
Students could understand the development and applications of immunology system. The overview of immune system, lymphoid system, antigen receptor molecules, antigen-antibody interaction , immunological techniques, cell-mediated immune reactions, regulation of the immune response, hypersensitivity- type I,Ⅱ,Ⅲ and Ⅳ, transplantation, rejection and complement that could provide students for clear the idea of immunology in the future. |
教材 |
1.免疫系統 第二版 (The immune system, Peter Parham)1編譯者:黎煥耀 偉明圖書 2.免疫學 第四版 (Immunology: a short course, Benjamini, coico, Sunshine) 總校閱 許元勳 高立圖書 |
Teaching Materials |
1.Peter Parham. 2006. Immune system 2nd Edition. 2.Coico, Sunshine, Benjamini.Immunology: A Short Course, 4th Edition |
成績評量方式 |
上課參與率10% 三次考試90% |
Grading |
Class Participation 10% of grade Quiz (three times) 90% of grade |
教師網頁 |
教學內容 |
1.先天及後天免疫的要素 2.免疫元及抗原 3.抗體結構及功能 4.抗體多樣性的產生 5.抗原抗體交互作用 實驗系統 6.T 細胞接受器 7.主要組織相容性複合體系統 8.淋巴球活化 9.補體 10.細胞激素 11.免疫系統相關的疾病 12.疫苗 |
Syllabus |
1.Innate immunity and adaptive immunity 2.Immunogen and antigen 3.Antibody structure and function 4.Production of antibody diversity 5.The interaction of antigen and antibody 6.T cell receptor (TCR) 7.Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) system 8.Lymphocyte activation 9.Complement 10.Cytokines 11.Relative diseases of immune system 12.Vaccine |