朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Organic Chemistry Laboratory (II) 有機化學實驗(二)

當期課號 1842 Course Number 1842
授課教師 徐基東 Instructor HSU,CHI TUNG
中文課名 有機化學實驗(二) Course Name Organic Chemistry Laboratory (II)
開課單位 應用化學系(四日)二B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 1 Credits 1
課程目標 本一學年課程之目的在對大二之學生介紹有機化學實驗之基本原理與操作,包括熔點、沸點之測定。萃取與蒸餾之操作,即反應之進行。 Objectives The one-year course is mainly divided into two parts. The first part is related to the basic training that gives students all techniques they need for doing synthetic organic chemistry. The second part focuses on doing fundamental reactions which students learn from lecture so that the students become familiar to the reaction principle through hand on experiments.
教材 Techniques and experiments of oranic chemistry by R.J. Fessenden and J.S. Fessenden Teaching Materials Techniques and experiments of oranic chemistry by R.J. Fessenden and J.S. Fessenden
成績評量方式 1. Pre-lab and final reprts: 20 and 30% 2. Lab performance: 20%
3. Lab technique exam: 15%
4. Written exam: 15%
Grading 1. Pre-lab and final reprts: 20 and 30% 2. Lab performance: 20%
3. Lab technique exam: 15%
4. Written exam: 15%
教學內容 熟悉不同有機合成及純化之實驗,以瞭解理論與實際之關係。並學習實驗之基本技巧,以致在高年級能進教師實驗室做計畫。 Syllabus The students get familiar with various organic synthesis and the techniques of purifications in the lab experiments. They learn the basic skills of different organic experiments so that they may be able to participate the research programs under the direction of their advisors in the junior and senior classes.
The experiements include dehydration and oxidation of cyclohexanol, Diels-Alder reaction, preparation of amide, ester, nitration of aromatics, hydrolysis of ester, reduction of ketone, resoltuion of racemate, etc.