朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
General Chemistry Laboratory (II) 普通化學實驗(二)

當期課號 1811 Course Number 1811
授課教師 曾瑞昌 Instructor TSENG,JUI CHANG
中文課名 普通化學實驗(二) Course Name General Chemistry Laboratory (II)
開課單位 應用化學系(四日)一B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 1 Credits 1
課程目標 理論加上實驗永遠是最完美的組合,幫助學生養成對已知化學理論加以求證的習慣,並學習一般化學藥品的處理方法。完成這些訓練不單單對化學反應或化學藥品有更深一層的了解,同時在遇到意外時,有能力去準備必要的措施。 Objectives Introductory experimental course deals with a great deal of knowledge and innovation. In addition, this course illustrates many principles of general chemistry. Students should learn how to apply the chemical science in our daily lives. This course contains 11 experiments:1. Chemical equilibrium 2. The titration of acid and base 3. Reversible oxidation-Reduction color changes 4. The study of oxidation of iron 5. Introduction to Chromatography; Paper Chromatography 6. Analysis of cations 7. Analysis of anions 8. How to make a good detergent? 9. Shampoo (part I) 10. Shampoo (part II) 11.Hand lotion.
教材 1.圖解化學實驗,郭偉明,全威圖書公司
Teaching Materials Textbook and Lecture Notes
成績評量方式 實驗態度30%, 平時考10%, 預報15%, 結報15%, 期中考15%, 期末考15% Grading Attitude 30%, Quiz 10%, pre-Lab report 15%, Lab report 15%, Midterm Exam 15%, and Final Exam 15%
教學內容 透過實驗的過程來學習並驗證化學的基礎理論,經由了解一些生活中化學相關現象的發生,以培養學生的基礎實驗技能與知識。 Syllabus This course illustrates basic principles of general chemistry. Students should learn how to apply the chemical science in our daily lives. This course offers 12 laboratory sections, along with weeks for organizations and examination.