朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Basic Chemistry Exercise 基礎化學演習

當期課號 1807 Course Number 1807
授課教師 曾瑞昌 Instructor TSENG,JUI CHANG
中文課名 基礎化學演習 Course Name Basic Chemistry Exercise
開課單位 應用化學系(四日)一A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 1 Credits 1
課程目標 依照普通化學課程之進度,以較淺顯的理論與實例,將課程內容做更詳細之講解,對於課本中較難的化學原理,作多次的教導。並引導學生多練習教科書的習題,將提供部分習題的解答與解法,並就較難的題目與學生共同討論。 Objectives According to the progress of General Chemistry, this course offers the detailed discussion in the contents of chemistry. Especially to the more difficult portions in the textbook, repeated teaching will be available for the students who fall behind the class. The students will be guided to work on the exercise problems in the textbook. Part of the answers and the equations for the problems will be provided and discussed between the instructor and the students.
教材 1.課堂補充教材
2.Chemistry, 10th Ed., Raymond Chang, McGraw-Hill, 2010
Teaching Materials 1.Lecture Materials
2.Chemistry, 10th Ed., Raymond Chang, McGraw-Hill, 2010
成績評量方式 出席與隨堂練習(45%),期中考(25%),期末考(30%)。 Grading Attendance and Quizzes(45%), Midterm Exam (25%), and Final Exam (30%).
教學內容 加強應化系新進同學對於基礎化學知識的理解,經由系統化整理與條理化歸納,同時結合邏輯、記憶、計算、推理、思考等學習策略,釐清容易混淆的觀念,建立化學根基。 Syllabus This course is designed for freshmen to understand basic chemical knowledge. By using systematic and logical methods, students should be able to calculate, to think, and to memorize easily confused concepts.