朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Seminar 工業工程與管理實務講座

當期課號 1781 Course Number 1781
授課教師 陳銘芷 Instructor CHEN,MING CHIH
中文課名 工業工程與管理實務講座 Course Name Seminar
開課單位 工業工程與管理系(四日)四A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 1 Credits 1
課程目標 經由業界人士之演講配合同學課堂討論以增加大四同學對各項工業工程與管理實務之認識。 Objectives The objective of this course is to enhance the industrial engineering knowledge of the senior students through the seminars given by the guests invited from different industries and classroom discussion.
教材 演講資料 Teaching Materials handout
成績評量方式 出席狀況
Grading Participation and discussion50%
report 50%
教師網頁 http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~scsliu/
教學內容 邀請產業界有經驗主管演講管理實務相關課題 Syllabus The objective of this course is to enhance the knowledge of industrial engineering of the senior students through the seminars given by the guests invited from different industries and classrom disscussion.