當期課號 | 1777 | Course Number | 1777 |
授課教師 | 王順生 | Instructor | WANG,SHUN SHENG |
中文課名 | 工程寫作與報告 | Course Name | Technical Writing and Reporting |
開課單位 | 工業工程與管理系(四日)三B | Department | |
修習別 | 必修 | Required/Elective | Required |
學分數 | 3 | Credits | 3 |
課程目標 | 1.履歷.自傳.讀書計畫.研究計畫之撰寫 2.自我介紹及口頭報告 | Objectives | This course teaches basic technical writing and oral presentation skills. |
教材 | 工程寫作與表達,羅欽煌,全華 | Teaching Materials | Technical Writing and Presentation, C. H. Lo, Chien Whwa |
成績評量方式 | 作業:100% | Grading | Homework: 100% |
教師網頁 | | ||
教學內容 | 1.履歷.自傳.讀書計畫.研究計畫.SOP.產品說明書之撰寫 2.自我介紹及口頭報告 |
Syllabus | 1.Writing of resume, autobiography, study plan, research plan, SOP and product operation book. 2.Introduction and oral presentation skills. |